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Search Staff Directory
David Roberts
Principal: Middle School
Christopher Sanchez
Asst Principal: Middle School
Melissa Segura
Secretary: Principal Ms
Teachers and Librarians
Kristin Alvarado
Teacher: Classroom
Brian Baker
Teacher: Classroom
Bryan Baldizan
Teacher: Classroom
Kiely Banks
Teacher: Classroom
Jesse Barela
Teacher: Classroom
Stephanie Brazil
Teacher: Classroom
Benjamin Brooks
Teacher: Gifted
Karen Brown
Teacher: Classroom
Robyn Clarke
Teacher: Itinerant Music
Luis Devargas
Teacher: Music/chor/bnd/orch
Nicole Fichtner
Teacher: Classroom
Mckenzie Hall
Teacher: Classroom
Scott Hedglin
Teacher: Classroom
Jon Hennessy
Teacher: Classroom
Sarahjane Kipp
Teacher: Gifted
Carla Lehmeier
Teacher: Music/chor/bnd/orch
Abigail Maclean Blevins
Teacher: Classroom
Michael Margolis
Teacher: Classroom
Paula Massey
Teacher: Classroom
Steve Mcguinness
Teacher: Classroom
Heather Mertens
Teacher: Classroom
Nomalanga Nefertari
Teacher: Gifted
Steven Pope
Teacher: Classroom
Christopher Stillion
Teacher: Classroom
Louis Taylor
Teacher: Music/chor/bnd/orch
Lisa Vargas
Teacher: Classroom
Christina Vigil
Teacher: Classroom
Lynn Delmargo
Librarian: Es, Ms, Hs
Special Education
David Clare
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Craig Clement
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Kathleen Cox
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Linda Gonzales
Adaptive PE
Teacher: Adaptive Pe
Heather Greene
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Sara Lincoln
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Bailey Powell
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Michael Sena
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Laura Wheatley
Sp Ed Classroom Teacher
Educational Assistants
Kimberly Condit
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Roy Linn
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Mac Mcwhirter
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Lynette Mitchell
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Andrea Quintero
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Dennis Strenfel
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Mary Sullivan
Educ Asst: Health
Christopher Telfer
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Richard Tudor
Educ Asst: Special Ed
Christopher Ayala
Yardman: D2
Delfinio Garcia
Custodian: Head <6 Emp/night
Robert Quintana
Custodian: D1
Mary Sullivan
Educ Asst: Health
Julia Templin
Temps/hourly: Intern
Santana Torrez
Anthony Trujillo
Yardman: D2
Heidi Wolne
Section 504 Coordinator
Paula Massey
Teacher: Classroom